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Tackle Pesky Fall Allergies with Cannabis

thrive tackle pesky fall allergies with cannabis

Those with allergies know what to expect when fall arrives and the leaves start to fall off the tree branches. Aside from the peak of spring, this tends to be the time when there are the most allergens in the air. According to WebMD, ragweed is the single biggest allergy trigger in the fall, often lasting late into October. This affects many people with seasonal allergies, 75% of all people with allergies to spring plants are also allergic to ragweed.

Other triggers, such as mold and dust mites can also linger from spring well into the fall. Due to this natural occurrence, it is no wonder those with allergies are likely to look for solutions. But, many may be surprised to find that there’s some evidence that cannabis might be able to help.

In this blog, we will look into what the evidence suggests about cannabis and its effects on allergies, and how to get the relief you might need.

About allergic reactions and symptoms

Though you may know this already, an allergic reaction is effectively your body reacting to an intruder. It’s a defense mechanism designed to respond to things like viruses and harmful bacteria, but harmless substances, such as dust mites and pollen can trigger those reactions just as easily.

Johns Hopkins Medicine describes how these symptoms can be mild to life-threatening, ranging all the way from a runny nose to anaphylactic shock, a reaction that usually requires immediate intervention. Allergens affect people of all ages, races, genders, and backgrounds. There may be some environmental causes, but they affect demographics evenly across the board.

Can cannabis help with allergies?

Before we look into the specifics of how cannabis may be able to aid with allergies, it’s important to understand that allergies work differently for different people. Some allergic reactions may result in a sneeze while others, like asthma, can cause trouble breathing.

However, there is some evidence that cannabis can help with allergies that result in respiratory issues. Research from the National Library of Medicine has found that short term exposure is linked to bronchodilation, meaning that it may effectively open the airways to help with breathing. In cases of respiratory issues, vaping or smoking may not be recommended as it can irritate the airways, so different methods of using cannabis for this purpose may be recommended instead.

Otherwise, the research on whether or not cannabis has a direct effect on symptoms of allergies is scant, and more has to be done to develop a full understanding. However, many practicing physicians do report patients that have experienced some relief from allergies from using cannabis.

One way that cannabis may offer relief is due to its effects as an anti-inflammatory. As Science Daily reports, cannabis does stem inflammation. Inflammation is the effect that leads to a stuffy nose as well as the narrowing of airways in the sinuses. Usually, these effects are treated by things like corticosteroids, but there is some evidence to suggest cannabis could work as an alternative.

Does cannabis cause allergies?

Given that many examples of both spring and fall allergies are caused by different forms of plant matter, such as pollen and ragweed, some may have concerns that cannabis itself could be an allergy trigger.

A report from the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology confirms that, yes, cannabis allergies do exist. However, while reports of allergies are likely to rise in the future due to the increasing number of people who are using cannabis for various reasons, the likelihood of developing an asthma allergy is relatively low compared to the other allergies mentioned above.

There are currently no standardized methods of testing for allergic reactions to cannabis. As such, individuals who have allergies should be careful to use small amounts to begin with and monitor any reactions. Most reactions will be benign, such as nasal, ocular, and pulmonary complaints, but there have been more severe cases. So care should be taken to ensure initial marijuana use is done with some company that can assist if any such cases arise.

Can cannabis help relieve your fall allergies?

Though research is ongoing, there is promising evidence to suggest that cannabis may be able to provide some relief for allergy symptoms and many users do support this with their own experience. To find out for yourself, Thrive Cannabis Marketplace is the best Vegas dispensary that offers marijuana delivery and curbside pickup options that can help you conveniently try out cannabis for fall allergy relief yourself. You can learn more here about how to order cannabis from the comfort of your own couch!