The 2010s were a revolutionary decade in the cannabis world, with 11 states legalizing the recreational use of marijuana.
In these states, many law-abiding citizens are contemplating doing something they’ve never done before: smoking cannabis.
Are you thinking about smoking cannabis for the first time? Are you wandering around the internet looking for cannabis smoking tips?
You’ve come to the right place, my friend. Let’s take a look at what you need to know if you’re smoking for the first time.
Cannabis Smoking Tips For Beginners
Follow these eight tips and you’ll be sure to have a good high. Do yourself a favor and make it extra special. It’s only your first time once!
1. Clear Your Schedule
Your first time smoking cannabis is a special experience and not something you want to combine with going to class, an important business meeting, or a bunch of chores.
Find a time in your schedule when you’ve got absolutely nothing going on.
This is not something to squeeze in before your next appointment. Smoking for the first time is a special event, and you should treat it that way.
2. Go Into it With the Right Mindset
While cannabis has a reputation for making people chill-out. It won’t necessarily magically take your worries away if you go into the experience with a laundry list of anxieties, particularly if it’s your first time.
Smoking cannabis for the first time should be an enjoyable and relaxing experience, but going into it with a negative mindset could make it anxiety-inducing and stressful for you.
So before you embark on your first cannabis-smoking journey, make sure you’re already in a calm, pleasant headspace. This will ensure that you don’t start heading down the wrong mental path when you start to feel cannabis’ effects.
3. Deliberately Choose Your Environment
Paired with going into your first utterances smoking experience within the right mental environment, it’s also important to do so in the right physical environment. Together, these two concepts are known by some as set and setting, and it can be a good thing to remember on your first time or your three hundredth time.
Your environment can consist of where you are, who you’re with, what the lighting is like and what music you have on.
Maybe you feel most comfortable in your apartment, and you want to invite some friends over to listen to music and paint portraits of each other. Or maybe you feel most comfortable outside, and you’d rather walk around the forest trail near your house and commune with nature.
There are tons of different options and your most desired setting will depend on who you are and what you like. Just remember that if you’re in a place that’s sketching you out and you’re considering smoking weed for the first time, you probably shouldn’t. If an environment is giving you the heeby-jeebys before you’re high, chances are it’ll definitely weird you out once you are.
4. Smoke With People You Know and Trust
One of the awesome things about smoking cannabis is that you start to notice things you’ve never noticed before. The beauty of a bird or the absurdity of a TV show can all of a sudden become extremely apparent, even though you’ve seen that type of bird or that TV show a hundred times before without thinking anything of it.
This type of effect is also very noticeable about people. This is why it’s important to be deliberate about who’s around you. It’s not a great idea to be around a bunch of people you don’t know, or even people you do know but you’ve always kind of thought were sketchy.
Close friends and loved ones who you know and trust are great companions on your first cannabis-smoking journey, particularly if they’ve smoked it before and know what to expect. They’ll be there to support you and to tell you how to smoke a pre-roll for the first time.
5. Take it Slow
No one’s going to give you any prizes for getting obliterated on your first time smoking cannabis.
Since you’ve never done this before, you have absolutely no tolerance. The feeling of being high can take a little while to settle in, so don’t over-indulge. Take it one hit at a time, and give yourself plenty of time between hits.
6. Stay Hydrated
If you ask any experienced cannabis smoker to explain how to smoke cannabis for beginners, they’ll likely say something along the lines of:
Drink water before smoking.
Drink water during smoking.
Drink water after smoking.
Trust me. Drink water!
7. Have Snacks on Hand
When we say snacks, we’re not saying this lightly. We’re not talking about having some protein bars and one of those little bags of potato chips you get with your sandwich at a sub shop.
You will want to have a plethora of snacks on hand. This isn’t a time to be worried about counting calories, because trust us, when you’re in the middle of the munchies whatever obscure weight-loss diet you’re on will be the last thing on your mind. Think of the foods you love the most, and stock up.
You can order delivery, but I wouldn’t recommend getting into this as a habit. It’s awesome that you can have hot, fresh food delivered to your door, but it gets a bit pricey when you decide you absolutely have to have just about everything on the menu.
8. Be Safe
This should go without saying, but if you’re smoking cannabis for the first time (or for the gazillionth time) you shouldn’t ever get in a car and drive.
Since it’s your first time, you don’t know how it’s going to feel smoking cannabis. Don’t put yourself in a situation where you get high for the first time on top of a tall fire escape or in the back of a seedy club. Do yourself a favor and take some extra precautions on your first cannabis voyage.
If it’s a part of the plan to go somewhere, make sure you have a reliable designated driver signed on. It’s a no-go if everyone you’re with is stoned and all of a sudden a plan is hatched to drive to the ocean, no matter how experienced the person claims to be.
If you think you’d like to head to a specific hiking trail or whatever, make sure you have a ride figured out ahead of time. Or, of course, there’s always Uber.
Bon Voyage!
Now that you’ve got these cannabis smoking tips up your sleeve, you’re all set to embark on your maiden voyage!
Did you love this article on smoking cannabis for beginners? Be sure to check out our other blog posts for all things cannabis-related. Are you in Vegas and ready to try cannabis for the first time? Check out our online menu here!