For many of us, talking about cannabis to our family – especially the older generations – can seem unfathomable. While cannabis laws across the country are beginning to relax and the majority of people are beginning to see and understand the benefits that can come hand in hand with cannabis use, there are still a number of people out there who still attach negative connotations to it. To continue reducing the stigma attached to cannabis, however, it is important that you begin to broach the subject of your use of it to your family. Open conversation, carried out in the right way, can help to open people’s minds, drive away prejudice, and create a better and more accurate understanding of cannabis and its uses. Here are a few steps you can take to approach the subject with your family and prevent your conversation from spiraling into an argument.
Consider Your Family’s Current Stance on Cannabis
Knowing your family’s stance on cannabis can help you to determine the best way to approach a conversation about it. If your family members openly use cannabis, chances are you can have an open and straightforward conversation on the subject. If your family has used cannabis in the past and encourage you to avoid it because of their own experiences, chances are that they weren’t using cannabis in the correct manner, weren’t buying it from a reliable and professional source like our las vegas strip dispensary, or may have been abusing it. You may want to discuss their own experiences with them to get a greater understanding of their grudges against cannabis and to set their minds at ease by emphasizing the benefits that cannabis can have when used correctly. If your family are staunchly anti-cannabis and have preached that you should avoid it from a young age, however, you’re going to have to take a more tactical, subtle and gentle approach.
Find the Right Time
Now is the perfect time to start a video chat or talk with your household without any distractions. If the subject of cannabis comes up naturally in conversation at any point – perhaps while watching a film, reading about a celebrity’s use, or being exposed to another opportune conversation starter – this could be the time to get the ball rolling. Alternatively, if you want to be really upfront, you can sit your family down and talk to them in a candid and honest manner when everyone’s ready to listen.
Know Your Cannabis
Of course, there’s a good chance your family is going to have a lot of questions to ask about cannabis. It’s important that you have answers ready and waiting. This will help them build confidence in your maturity, as they will be able to see that you have thoroughly researched cannabis and know what you’re talking about. Having plenty of existing knowledge on cannabis also means that you will be able to put their minds at ease if they bring up concerns that they may have. If you want to learn more about cannabis from the best cannabis dispensary in Las Vegas, visit our website for more information on the basics and further advice on some of the most frequently asked questions surrounding cannabis and its uses.
Prove That You Use Cannabis Responsibly
It’s important that you walk the walk as well as talk the talk. This isn’t merely for your own health and well-being, it will also help to prove to your family that you are a responsible cannabis user and ease any existing concerns that they may have with your cannabis use. You need to show them through your actions that you will only source your cannabis from the best Las Vegas dispensary. This will reduce their worries and concerns and they can rest safe that you won’t be questioning where to buy cannabis in Las Vegas, which could end up in you purchasing from an unreliable or unlicensed source.
Consider Researching Information Together
If your family is willing to learn more about cannabis, you could always do an internet search on FAQ about cannabis use from trusted sources like Weedmaps, and use our website to gather more information. Our team is also available to assist you by phone and can answer any questions that your family may have to ask.
Avoid Arguing
Some people may be taken aback by your use of cannabis. Some may disprove. Some won’t change their minds on the matter. It’s important that you don’t bite or snapback, even if people attempt to argue with you on the topic. This will only reflect badly on you and people may attempt to score points by falsely claiming that your aggressive or disrespectful behavior is a result of your cannabis use. Instead, simply say that you respect their right to their opinion and back out of the argument. It’s really not something worth fighting over and increased tensions may only serve to increase your family’s aversion to cannabis. Avoid adding fuel to the fire at all costs.
Sure, not all families are going to approach the subject of cannabis with an open mind – and they might not accept your use of it with open arms. But being able to talk maturely on the subject could help to ease tensions, do away with myths and rumors surrounding cannabis and help your family to become more accepting. It might not be the easiest subject to approach, but if you’re going to be using cannabis from Thrive Cannabis Marketplace, chances are you’re going to have to talk about it at some point or another. It’s always best to be prepared and ready. Hopefully, the advice we’ve listed out above will help you to achieve this!